Online College Articles
Forget flat networks–tighten your security
If you heard about the attack on the Los Angeles Unified School District in early October, you probably heard that 400,000 students’ private data was put at risk and that the hackers demanded a ransom. When speaking about the attack, the police chief made a point of saying that cyberattacks are “the number one threat […]
Big thoughts in edtech
In this episode of Innovations in Education, hosted by Kevin Hogan: How edtech is embedded in Society 5.0How digital equity enhances cybersecurity in schoolsBlended and hybrid learning–the future of education
Free internet could erase the digital divide
Local leaders must play a critical role in closing the digital divide for 18 million American households that have access to the internet but can’t afford to connect, according to a new report. The urgent prompt comes from EducationSuperHighway, a national nonprofit with a mission to close the broadband affordability gap. The organization released its […]
How our district engages students in a CTE program
Over the past decade, industries across the world have voiced their concern over the lack of tech skills among high school and college graduates. At the end of 2020, there were an estimated 1.4 million unfilled computer science jobs; this figure continues to rise. However, the education sector’s response is that currently less than half of high […]
Edtech trends are enabling more diverse learning
Edtech is the combination of IT tools and educational practices aimed at facilitating scalable individualized learning. It comprises the whole world of computer-aided education and training, along with the use of digital tools and resources. There are numerous advantages to educational technology. Students learn at different rates, and from diverse ways. Efficient reading is best for […]
How edtech is embedded in Society 5.0
The pandemic saw countless education institutes scramble in a bid to offer remote learning, which just highlighted how ill-prepared they were for future learning. But in this transition, we also learned something vital: Edtech learning helps to level the playing field for those who are unable to join regular classes due to location, illness, or […]
How to maintain secure access and data privacy
Cybersecurity is a priority concern for most people accessing the internet. Unfortunately, students aren’t thinking about cyberattacks when they access sites for curriculum, research, and entertainment from their 1:1 devices–devices that are now so prevalent since the pandemic. Schools’ exposure to cyberattacks has also greatly increased due to expanded remote and hyperflex learning. Join eSchool […]
Rethinking your K-12 cloud strategy
The new school year is upon us, and IT teams are ramping up strategic tech investments and systems to help ensure a smooth year ahead. For many of these IT teams, challenges around cybersecurity are top of mind, with recent research revealing over half of lower education organizations were hit by ransomware in the past […]
How digital equity enhances cybersecurity in schools
Digital equity in the classroom goes far beyond the need to deliver internet connectivity and devices. All students need and deserve a safe, reliable, and adaptable edtech ecosystem to support and nurture their learning experience. Behind the obvious laptops and countless other tech tools used by everyone in today’s schools sits what could arguably […]
Sharing best practices
In this episode of Innovations in Education, hosted by Kevin Hogan: 3 reasons instructional audio is a must-have in classrooms4 tips for using data to differentiate instructionModernization of K-12 Financial Operations: Increase Transparency, Improve Control and Compliance, Mitigate Fraud