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How to create a multi-layered approach to ADHD treatment
According to the CDC, 9.4 percent of children have ADHD. Teachers are often familiar with the associated behaviors of ADHD. Each child’s presentation of ADHD is unique. Some of the most common symptoms of ADHD include difficulty sustaining attention, completing assigned tasks at school (often including homework), physical restlessness, strain in social relationships and appearing […]
Creating classroom community in a digital space
One of my favorite parts of being an educator is the sense of community that is created with each new class of students. Fostering that feeling in person has its challenges of course, but is a bit easier to administer and coach when you’re face to face. When asked to build that same sense of […]
Moving from “the” school to “their” school
Connected students and families don’t attend and partner with “the” school–they do so with “their” school. They aren’t guests who meet, exceed, or fall short of someone else’s expectations, but rather, architects of environments that reflect what is important to them. When our students and their families consider the connections they have with their school, […]
5 instructional practices that drive student engagement
Student engagement has long been an indicator of growth and progress, and in the wake of the pandemic, it will prove essential for academic and social-emotional recovery. Recent insights pulled from a survey of more than 2,000 identifies instructional practices that enable student engagement, no matter the learning environment. Using qualitative and quantitative survey data, […]
Focusing on key standards to accelerate learning
While each standard is important and it should not be up to individual teachers which are taught and which are not, the truth is that each year some skills get overlooked or rushed past. It may not be ideal, but there are so many that, as education researcher Bob Marzano once noted, if we taught […]
6 reasons to use edtech tools to save valuable classroom time
According to the National Council on Teacher Quality (2012), the average teacher in the United States gets 45 minutes of planning time per day. If a teacher has five classes, that gives them just 9 minutes per class to create an engaging lesson that meets the needs of every student in the room. Needless to […]
5 tools that support project-based learning
Each year, we share our 10 most-read stories. Not surprisingly, many of this year’s Top 10 focused on student engagement and online or hybrid learning strategies related to pandemic teaching. This year’s 3rd most-read story focuses on fun tools for project-based learning. But it’s often a great undertaking to locate and vet resources and tools […]
3 ways to promote diversity in the classroom
Diversity, according to Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary, is the condition of having or being composed of differing elements, especially the inclusion of people of different races, cultures, etc. in a group or organization. As an educator, with over 17 years of experience, I’ve heard the word diversity used in various contexts throughout my career. However, over the […]
7 fun digital learning tools to try in the classroom
Each year, we share our 10 most-read stories. Not surprisingly, many of this year’s Top 10 focused on student engagement and online or hybrid learning strategies related to pandemic teaching. This year’s 5th most-read story focuses on under-the-radar digital learning tools. During pandemic learning, educators have seen a plethora of digital learning tools and resources, […]
How to bundle education device management
Technology has opened up endless possibilities in classrooms around the world. For one, access to education has been significantly broadened, facilitating a wide range of teaching strategies and learning styles. The pandemic accelerated the adoption rates of educational technology solutions. In some cases, demand far outstripped supply, leading to backlogs of requests for laptops, tablets, […]